Some facts about sex
Sex is important for every person. If you want a persistent erection, visit Let’s take a look at some interesting facts about sex.
A simple way to boost immunity
One of the easiest and most effective ways to improve immunity is a regular sex life. Men who have sex often are much less susceptible to diseases of all kinds. But what to do when the libido is reduced, the erection occurs only once, and the colds because of this do not give rest? There is a simple solution – to take drugs to increase erection. They within a short period of time will return the lost potency, and you can start to actively improve the immunity.
The effect of sex on blood pressure
Stress has a negative effect on the body as a whole and also on erectile function. Stressful situations can be different, the simplest example is a performance in public. When a man has to perform in front of a large number of people, he may become nervous, which leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure. Regular pressure spikes can give rise to erectile dysfunction, which will need to be dealt with as quickly as possible. And those men who practice having sex more than once a week are not as much affected by extraneous factors on their emotional state.
How to avoid prostate problems
To minimize the occurrence of prostate problems, it is enough to establish a sexual relationship with your partner. Having a regular intimate life allows you to notice a decrease in the occurrence of cancer. Having sex about 21 times a month is enough to keep prostate cancer at bay. This figure was voiced by scientists from the University of Nottingham. Many men can easily cope with this need, and some can even more. If the desire is there, but the erection does not give an opportunity to improve sex life, you can use auxiliaries – quality generics to increase potency.
A quick solution to problems

When men get the first “misfires” in bed, it is very frustrating. But when they become regular, you need to look for the cause and get rid of it. One of the most effective ways is to see a doctor. A urologist can advise special drugs that easily and quickly restore potency, and the spouse will be able to feel as in 25.
The pills start working already in 30 minutes after taking them. The capsule should be drunk with water and for the next few hours, depending on the drug, you can forget about past problems. Feelings during sex will become brighter, ejaculation will not come immediately. The partner will be satisfied, and perhaps your domestic quarrels will become much less frequent or will completely disappear from your family.
The principle of operation of such drugs is as follows – the active ingredient helps to relax the blood vessels of the penis, while improving blood flow to the pelvic organs. An erection comes much faster, the main thing is the presence of sexual excitement. Drugs are not addictive, so they can be used immediately before intercourse. If you want to buy this type of drugs, visit