Game-Based Learning: from A to Z
The impact of new learning methods reaches its peak in the use of gaming dynamics applied to corporate training. We bring you the ABC of game-based learning, the keys to its effectiveness:
A for Achievement

Game-based learning is learning through videogames. It has meant a new and different way of understanding corporate training and how to learn, with high completion rates surpassing those of classroom training and e-learning courses.
B for Benefits
Many are the benefits brought by game-based learning. Learning through videogames improves performance and self-confidence, favoring retention of that which has been learnt.
C for Come up
According to the report Global Market for Game-based learning 2014-2019 by Ambient Insight, game-based learning becomes the model with the best growth rate in the coming years.
D for Digital
In ten years, 75% of the workforce will be made up of Millennials, i.e. those people who have grown up with videogames and therefore will demand a different way of acquiring knowledge.
E for Engagement
Gamification in training solves one of the biggest problems posed by e-learning: lack of engagement. With game-based learning, learning becomes addictive and entertaining, thus improving completion rates.
F for Feedback

Having personalized and constant feedback during the learning process is one of the advantages offered by game-based learning for reliable assessment.
G for Gamelearn
Gamelearn’s game-based learning methodology is based on three pillars which have made it become an international leader: quality content, simulators and gamification.
H for Higher Factual Knowledge
Game-based learning, compared with traditional training, involves an improvement of up to an 11% in factual knowledge, according to the Federation of American Scientists.
I for Integration
One of the most remarkable benefits of game-based learning is its easy implementation. The connections are simpler and there are no administrative barriers. That is why costs are reduced and it can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
J for Job Applicability
Game-based learning offers a useful and directly applicable type of training. In the case of Gamelearn, 97% of students apply that which they have learnt to their jobs.
K for Karl Kapp

Karl Kapp is one of the most renowned gamification experts. He has published a book entitled ‘The Gamification of Learning and Instruction. Game-based methods and strategies for training and education’, and he has also praised the contribution of Gamelearn to the sector.
L for Leadership
Among the soft skills most in demand by companies to train their employees in are Leadership and Team Management. Pacific is the first serious game on Leadership in the market
M for Motivation
Learning through games, especially online ones, helps to support and improve the training process because it motivates students and helps them to actively participate in the learning experience.
N for Negotiation
Another one of the most needed soft skills in today’s workplace is negotiation. Knowing how to communicate our needs adequately and presenting assertivelyour point of view is vital to achieve our objectives and reach satisfactory agreements.
O for Objectives
Inflating our CV with technical knowledge does not mean that we will later be able to manage in real life. Game-based learning has a clear goal: learning in an effective, real way. It is better to do it with practice and attractively.
P for Practice

Experiential learning is one of the core ideas of game-based learning. Acquiring knowledge and developing skills through practice is the present and future trend of training.
Q for Quality
According to a study by Roland Berger in 2014, the sector will record an annual growth of a 13% until 2017. Much of the success and consolidation of this growth comes from the quality of game-based learning training.
R for Ranking
Game-based learning incorporates gamification techniques that reinforce the learning process. Among the most common are rankings, scores or levels, resources which, by themselves, evaluate the learning of participants.
S for Serious Games
Serious games (video games for learning) are the tool of the future for training. Through them, students “do” as they learn; practice is then part of the learning process from start to finish.
T for Technology

Technological developments have multiplied the possibilities and advantages of game-based learning. The use of computers, tablets and smartphones as platforms for learning is the present and future trend of corporate training.
U for Useful
Game-based learning offers training that is useful and directly applicable.
V for Video game
Video games are the key to an effective training. There are many models and methodologies (e-learning, blended, rapid-learning, etc.) but none can achieve the results video games do when it comes to training employees in a company.
W for Wireless
The vast majority of companies and workplaces today have access to wireless networks. Therefore, mobile devices (whether cell phones, computers or tablets) become the most effective and affordable training tool for the implementation of game-based learning.
X, Y and Z Generation
People born in the early 80s (Generation X), those born in the early 2000 (Generation Y or Millennials), and those born already into the new millennium (Generation Z) have grown up with video games and they are in their element with new technologies. The future of game-based learning is both theirs and for them.